Making a video

Videos are a great way of showing people what you have done. You can record your exercises directly or create a reel of all the highlights. You can combine words, images, music, moving image and voice overs to make a video that truly reflects your experiences. We recommend making short 1–2-minute videos of your work.

So, what is the point of a 1-2-minute video? Creating a video of this length will enable you to keep them focused on one topic, and easily accessible to your audience. They will be engaging and varied, and you can choose to make them a one off or part of a series. Making shorter videos is also less time consuming, leaving more time for you to complete more of the learning workshops.

We’re going to use this template to plan out the video(s). You can use as many of these worksheets as you like, we just recommend using a new one for each new video. There are plenty decisions that need to be made and lots of materials to be collected and this worksheet will help you to do that. Before you start to plan your video(s), you need to know a few things. Complete the questions below to help you:

The workshop I am reflecting on is.....

The skills I am going to cover in my podcast are.....

My audience is.....

There are some decisions to make in order to make sure our videos works for our audience. Try answering the questions below.

The topic of my video is....

My video will last......

The people included in my video are....

The video will be one episode or series of video?

We also need to consider how you are going to make your video. There are lots of different platforms that can help you. You might want to try some of these before you get started: Wevideo is a free video editing platform. There are a range of transitions, effects, and music to choose from that can be added to your video. On the free version you are able to download to cloud services, but it will have the Wevideo mark in the corner. Full details on how to use Wevideo can be found here: Vimeo also offers free video editing and has a range of templates that you can use to add interest to your work. You will have access to a range of images, sounds, etc, and will be able to host on their website if you’d like. Full details on how to use Vimeo can be found here: Canva is designed to help you make videos for a range of different devices, so you can create work suitable for smartphones, laptops and TVS. There are also a range of templates for you to choose from. Full details on how to use Canva can be found here: For very short videos through to videos lasting 10 minutes, Tik Tok offer a simple video recording platform. You can download your videos to post elsewhere, or you can host directly on Tik Tok. Full details on how to use Tik Tok can be found here:

We are almost ready to start planning out of video. Before we do so we need We need consider how your skills in critical thinking (by reflecting on the positive and negatives and how your learning will assist you in the future), communication (how you worked with others, or created a piece of work to share your knowledge and experience), collaboration (working with others), and creativity (developing something new and presenting it a new format) were challenged or developed in your selected workshop. So, what did you learn about:

Critical thinking:




It’s time to write a script. For a 2-minute video you want to aim for around 200 words. You’re going to need to be brief, but don’t let that put you off, being focused will help keep your video engaging. Before we start writing it's helpful to think of some key words to help keep your story focused. Add 5-10 key words in the box.

Now we have your key words, let’s develop a very basic structure....




Great. Now we can write. Use the next page to create your script – if you’re working on paper you might want to use a pencil...

With the story complete we can start to think about what we add to your video to make it more engaging and personal. Complete the 4 boxes below, detailing what you will include, thinking about how music/sounds, pictures, moving images, and objects might add to your video. 

Now we have our plot, script, and list of other devices we can being making our video. You can now refer back to the detailed instructions for your chosen platform to help you complete that. Once made you should download it and add it to your portfolio – ready for everyone to see how great you are.

Video Instructions

1. Once you have downloaded the app and created an account, you can now start making your video.

2. To create your video, click the black ‘+’ icon in the middle of the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. 

3. Firstly, choose a length for your video from the three options: 15 seconds, 60 seconds, 3 minutes. 

4. To add background music or viral sound to your video, click the ‘Add Sound’ button at the top of the screen. Here you can search from millions of music and sounds available for free in the app.

5. To record your video in the app:

● Press the big red circular button at the bottom of the screen. 

● To stop recording, press the button again. 

● You can record your video in one take or record it in small clips. 

● To delete a clip, press the ‘x’ button on the right side of the red circular button at the bottom of the screen.

● When you are happy with your recording, press the red circular ‘✔’ button at the bottom right side of the screen.

6. Alternatively, to upload photos or videos from your camera roll:

● Press the ‘Upload’ button at the bottom right side of the screen.

● Press the ‘Select multiple’ button at the bottom left side of the screen and select all the photos and videos you would like to use.

● By clicking the ‘AutoCut’ button your photos and videos will automatically be arranged and synced to the music.

● To edit it manually press the red ‘Next’ button on the bottom right side of the screen.

7. Whichever way you chose to make your video, you will now be on the editing page. 

8. To edit your clips press the first button on the taskbar on the right side of the screen. Here you can trim, rearrange, and spilt the clips as well as edit the volume and speed.

9. To add text press the ‘Aa’ button on the task bar on the right side of the screen. You can pick from a selection of fonts and colours. There is also a ‘Text-to-Speech’ option with a variety of voices to choose from.

10. To add stickers, emojis, or GIFs, press the third button on the task bar at the right side of the screen.

11. To add a voiceover or add a voice effect to your video, click the microphone icon at the bottom of the task bar. 

12. When you are happy with your video, click the red ‘Next’ button at the bottom of the screen. 

13. Now you can add a caption, select a cover photo, and edit the privacy settings.

14. When you are finished, you can save your video to edit later by clicking the ‘Draft’ button at the bottom left of the screen. To post your video, click the red ‘Post’ button at the bottom right of the screen.


1. Once you have set up a free account, you will be asked ‘What will you design?’ on the homepage. Select the ‘Video’ option. There are many templates to choose from or select the blank canvas option.

2. To start creating your video, you need to upload your footage clips. Click the ‘Uploads’ tab on the task bar on the left side of the screen and click the ‘Upload media’ button. You can upload footage from your computer, Facebook, Google Drive, Instagram, or Dropbox.

3. To start crafting your video, drag your clips to the timeline at the bottom of the screen. To make the timeline bigger or smaller use the zoom slider at the bottom right side of the screen.

4. To trim your clips, use the arrow handles at the start and end of each clip.

5. To split your clips, slide the triangle icon above the timeline to the start of the part of the video you want to split. Then right click on the clip and select the ‘Split’ option. Repeat this process at the end of the clip. 

6. To delete clips, right click and select ‘Delete’ or press the ‘Delete’ key. 

7. To overlay footage, drag the clip directly onto the canvas (not on the timeline) and resize the clip to fill the screen. Make sure this video is muted or it will disrupt the audio. Split the clip to stop the overlay from looping.

8. To add text, click the ‘Text’ tab and choose from a range of preset templates and animations or add a basic text box. Drag this directly onto the canvas. It will display for the duration of the clip. Split the clip to stop displaying the text. You can adjust the font, colour, size, and alignment in the tool bar at the top of the screen.

9. To add transitions, press the ‘+’ button in between the clips on the timeline. Choose a transition effect from the different preset options such as Dissolve, Slide, Circle Wipe.

10. To add music to your video, click the ‘Audio’ tab on the task bar on the left side of the screen. Search for songs by using the ‘Search audio’ function. Drag your chosen audio file onto the project.

11. When you are happy with your video, click the ‘Download’ button on the top right side of the screen and select the ‘MP4’ option.


1. Before you can start creating your video, you will need to choose either ‘Start from Scratch’ or ‘Start with a Template’. If starting from scratch, choose the dimensions of your video; Horizontal (16:9), Square (1:1), or Vertical (9:16). If you are using a template, choose one from the selection.

2. To start creating your video, will need to upload your footage. Click on the ‘My Media’ tab on the task bar at the top of your screen. Click the blue ‘Add’ button or select ‘Import’ from the tool bar below the task bar. 

3. Your footage will appear in the ‘My Media’ folder. Drag the clip you would like to use onto the ‘Video 1’ timeline at the bottom of the screen. 

4. To add text to your video, click on the ‘Text’ tab on the task bar at the top of your screen. 

5. To add music to your video, click the ‘Audio’ tab on the task bar at the top of the screen. Drag your desired audio onto the ‘Audio’ timeline at the bottom of the screen. 

6. To add a transition, click the ‘Transitions’ tab on the task bar at the top of the screen. Choose from a selection of transition. To add it to your video, drag the transition in between the desired clips. 

7. When you are happy with your video, click the blue ‘Finish’ button at the top right side of the screen to export your video.

Complete and Continue