Lesson Plans (DE, EL, EN, IT, LT, NL)

Aims of the Communication Workshop:

This workshop considers the importance of different forms of communication. Through a range of exercises that test verbal and non-verbal communication skills, it develops opportunities for collaboration and group work. Drawing on the work of Augusto Boal and Forum Theatre, the workshops looks at how communication in performance can aid with critical thinking and creativity. 

 Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the workshop students will have:

●     Considered how different communication forms are important in terms of how we interact and present ourselves.

●     Explored how barriers can present problems and how we naturally adapt and find ways around those barriers.

●     Created a short piece of theatre work using Boal’s Forum Theatre technique to consider how others giving feedback on a situation can aid with better communication.

Materials needed:

  • Papers
  • Pens
  • Charade cues
  • Blindfold 

EN_ Communication.pdf
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