Lesson plans (DE, EL, EN, IT, LT, NL)

Aims of the Digital Storytelling workshop

The overall aim of the session is to create a digital story. A digital story is a short (2-3 minute long) film, told by the person whose story it is using still or moving images, music, and sound effects to emphasise emotion.

The digital storytelling process consists of 5 phases. Each phase can be a 2-hour workshop. If you are short on time, then the phases that are best completed in person are highlighted in the lesson plan. The other phases can be completed by the participants individually.

You will use skills of Creativity, Collaboration, Critical thinking and Communication throughout the process.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To communicate effectively through the story circle and script writing process
  • To develop creative skills through the storyboarding and digital editing process
  • To critically reflect on a personal story and how that Is portrayed In a digital format.
  • To collaborate throughout the digital storytelling process by offering and receiving peer feedback

 All Materials needed:

  • Examples of digital stories
  • Preparation notes (see additional documents for example)
  • Participants should bring their own object to support their storytelling
  • Storyboarding template (see additional documents)
  • Personal Images or videos
  • Access to editing software such as Wevideo
  • Recording device for voice over: mobile phone, microphone or editing software

EN_Digital Storytelling.pdf
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