Lesson plans (DE, EL, EN, IT, LT, NL)

Aims of Clowning session:

The clowning session will help you develop the ability to be more playful and more confident. Using some techniques drawn from clowning helps participants to develop more tolerance to things going wrong. Clowns love to fail and happy to make mistakes and learning to have a little more confidence in dealing with mistakes can be very helpful for everybody. Developing more confidence like this helps us to be more spontaneous which also helps us to be more creative.

Learning outcomes:

The learning outcomes of this session are:

  • To understand how learning through play can aid with the development of key skills.
  • To consider how thinking and acting like a clown can allow for a different kind of learning.
  • To develop own skills in creatively thinking about the way in which we learn.

Materials needed:

  • Clown nose (or face paint/lipstick)
  • Soft ball
  • Bag (of any sort)
  • Object (of any sort) 

EN_Clowning Workshop.pdf
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